The Polytechnic (Trade) School
Due to the high rate of unemployment in Kenya, it is the vision of Fiwagoh Orphanage Ministries to offer different hands-on trade skills to our growing students, in cooperation with modern technologies that will enable them to earn a living by working with their own hands that which will provide for themselves a living and their future families.
In the year 2012, the construction of the new Trade school was started. The Trade school has 12 spacious workshop halls where our students are being prepared to learn different courses such as: Carpentry, Sewing, Knitting, Baking, Shoe making, Building, Electrical, Mobile Automobile, Medical missionary, Farming, etc.
The Facility is not fully furnished as in File Cabinet, Painting on the walls, and desks and tables for the instructors; You may want to see this project for our children moving, there is need for funds to facilitate on these needs and also wages for the instructors: You can donate and earmark your fund as: Trade school project.