The Orphanage
Our children are divided in three group ages/ categories
1-The Juniors from 3-7 years
2-The Mediums from 8-14
3-The Seniors from 15-22
Exit Strategy Plan
Our Institution has a plan called Exit strategy. This is where a child that was lost or abandoned by parents and relatives reunite with family. Once a firm connection is made the child is ready to be exited or repatriated back to the community, This gives room for a needier child to take their place. Some of the older teens who have completed grade 12 level in education or those that have acquired different trade skills and are able to sustain themselves for life, they are now exited from the home and get on with their own life.
Every year since 2015, we have been exiting those that have either completed their 12th grade in education acquired some trades to sustain them in their independent life.
Already we have some who have a desire to come back to the home and give back in time, and few resources as a THANK you to the institution.
The High School
For the best interest of our talented students in academic learning, we have a High school sector which enables the best student(s) to continue to higher learning .This year 2018, we are going to have our first group of the Form Four 12th grade students sitting for their National exam, This is an historic event in Fiwagoh.
We have some of our students who are aiming to train in Teaching, Nursing, Social work, Information Technology and advanced learning in practical work such as Sewing, Knitting, Electrical, etc. It is our privilege to send off our children with adequate skills in knowledge, intelligence, and morals to be able to support themselves and the community.
There is need for a High school class rooms to accommodate our children for their day to day tuition.
The Polytechnic (Trade) School
Due to the high rate of unemployment in Kenya, it is the vision of the home to offer different hand- on trade skills to our growing students, in cooperation with modern technologies that will enable them to earn a living for themselves and their future families.
In the year 2012, the Construction of the polytechnic school was started. it has 12 spacious workshop halls where these trades are now offered to our youths, this will greatly alleviate much poverty in their lives and thus create employment to the other succeeding young generation.
The Polytechnic is still underway as Painting, furnishing and shelving of their offices and storerooms and cabinets is not all in place. If you may feel impressed to donate a fund towards the completion and facilitation of this trade school,
You can donate and earmark your fund as: Trade School Project