Public Witnessing
The name Fiwagoh is an acronym that carries the real features and beliefs of the mission.
FIWAGOH means: Final Warning Gospel Health Mission
- The Mission is also an active Evangelistic ministry in Kenya and East Africa that through its trained devoted Bible workers, go round the countries of Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania to spread word of God the Three Angeles messages of Revelation 14.
- The Mission has burden of Printing and distributing the gospel literature to the spiritually hungry souls in Kenya and East Africa.
- We also teach and educate the people on better lifestyles of living. Hygiene and proper cooking
- As soon as we find a group of worshipper in a location, we planting home there and build a house of worship.
- To reach other local people in East Africa in their own dialects with the present truth message, especially those who do not understand English, we do translation of gospel literature into the language they can understand.
Please should you be impressed to support our evangelism work and to win souls to Christ, you can support one Bible worker at US $ 150.00 a month. Please go to donate and earmark your donation as: Bible worker
Preaching the gospel in the local village market place.
Other Evangelistic needs that need funding are:
1. English & Swahili Bibles for the poor people in Kenya & East Africa.
* You can order these directly from the Bible Society of Kenya (Nairobi)*
2. Motor Bikes for ferrying the Bible worker to various places in need of the Gospel.
3. Printing expenses for, Paper, Ink and wages for the printer.
4. Donations of Spiritual books, children Bible Story books, Picture Rolls & Felts etc
5. Public Address System for outreach witnessing.
You can send your donation for any of the above projects to advance the Gospel work of giving the people a better hope. We appreciate for your support.
Pastor Benson addressing the Bible workers.
Heading out to share the gospel in the remote areas.