Poor Villages and Street Children Handouts
When we bring some of these children to the home, there is always those poor family relatives whom we leave in those pathetic villages, who barely have nothing to eat, no good shelter. It is our custom as well to carry out some of the children from the home and do home visits to these care worn grandparents, relatives with some handouts, eg washing soap, bags of flour, cooking oils, and blankets and clothing . The same way we do to the street children in our nearby cities, we may not be able to do a lot due to finances, but we can feed for a day and share to them the hope in Christ Jesus. Already by doing this we have won more orphans from the street life: Praise the Lord!
Should you feel impressed to keep up this work with the poor villages feeding the street children, Please send your donation earmarked as: Poor villages and street children.
These are some orphan kids rescued from the village.
Feeding boys who live in the streets.
Some of our orphans go and visit their families taking them food and other items.
Distributing handouts to local needy villagers.